Decathlon & o2o's project 'Circular Bike'

December 2, 2022
- Geschreven door:

By opting for cycling, we are committed to sustainable mobility and society. But, more lease bicycles also means more two-wheelers at the end of a lease contract. Because after a contract of 3 or 4 years, employees can either take over the bicycle or give it back to o2o. And we don't like to see these end-of-lease bicycles end up in a junkyard. Together with Decathlon, we opted for a sustainable solution for this and that is how Circular Bike was born!

1. How did Circular Bike arise?

The pandemic and lockdowns in 2020 turned the whole world upside down, including the cycling sector. The rising popularity of bicycles combined with production delays and scarcity of resources created a demand for a more sustainable solution. Decathlon took the first step with its 'Buy-back' programme - as part of the 'Second Life' project - by collecting sports equipment from private individuals, refurbishing it and putting it back on the second-hand market, under guarantee and at reduced prices. This project has been a great success and is still running in all Decathlon shops.

Beyond that, inactive bicycles are also piling up at companies. At o2o, for instance, a lot of lease bicycles are available at the end of the contract if employees do not take over the bicycle themselves. An opportunity we took with both hands: Circular Bike was born with the aim of extending the life of two-wheeled vehicles and offering them to users at a reasonable price. As premium partner and initiator of this project, united with Decathlon, o2o strongly invests in circularity and sustainability.


Decathlon workplace

2. What does that mean in practice?

If the employee does not purchase the bicycle at the end of the lease, Decathlon buys it from o2o. This way, our lease bicycles do not end up on a junkyard. Instead they are given a second life.

Decathlon picks up the bicycle and repairs it if necessary. After a thorough check-up, repair and cleaning, Decathlon offers these refurbished bicycles for sale via their online second-hand shop.

And there is more! Even bicycles in poor condition, which can no longer be sold on the second-hand market, deserve a second chance. Decathlon uses these two-wheelers in numerous solutions, a few of which we have listed below:

  • their spare parts are used to repair other bicycles,
  • after inspection, they are made available for use by those who cannot afford a bicycle,
  • when replacing a battery, the still active and working cells are reused by a partner who makes refurbished batteries.

As you can see, nothing goes to waste. Even bicycles that seem to be at the end of their journey, can still be used. This circular solution means less waste and more cycling fun. And that only makes us happy!

Thanks to o2o's integrity and strong motivation to adapt their business model to today's world, we found a common goal: to build a global approach to a more circular economy benefiting the many cycling enthusiasts. - Decathlon

3. Goodbye disposable culture, hello second-hand bicycle!

These second-hand products do not have to compromise on quality. Circular Bike's refurbished bicycles meet high quality standards, and you can count on a one-year warranty after purchase. Even the type of bicycle you turn in is irrelevant: from racing bicycles, e-bikes, mountain bikes to cargo bicycles, a team of professionals will refurbish them. Moreover, you pay considerably less for a second-hand bicycle and avoid the relatively long waiting times for a new one. Nothing but benefits!

Did you know that your e-bike's battery can last up to 5 to 6 years (assuming you take good care of it and charge it properly)? Much longer than the average 3- to 4-year duration of an o2o lease contract. So it would be a shame to just get rid of that electric lease bicycle at the end of your contract. We thought so too! As we are not fans of the throwaway culture, we were looking for a sustainable solution for our end-of-lease bicycles. This is how the idea was born to set up the Circular Bike project together with Decathlon.

And with success! o2o has been the main partner for the supply of (lease) bicycles to Decathlon since the start of the project in 2021. We have currently given quite a few bicycles a second life thanks to Circular Bike and this number will only increase in the future. Did you know that, on average, a second-hand bicycle has a carbon footprint of 1.7 kg, which is 6 times less than a new bicycle? Impressive ... Goodbye disposable culture, hello second-hand bicycles!

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Would you also like to create a sustainable world together with o2o?

Then choose bicycle leasing! Get in touch with a Bike Lease Expert and we will be happy to draw up a personal bicycle plan with you, tailored to your company.

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